The Farmer’s Daughter
Salt licks and seaweed and blackstrap molasses
Salt licks and seaweed and blackstrap molasses
The question is wai
The Good Farmer: in defence of (non-industrial) dairying
The Good Farmer: in defence of (non-industrial) dairying
A study of our organic pasture: grasses
A study of our organic pasture: grasses
A study of our organic pasture: white and red clover
A study of our organic pasture: white and red clover
Professor Temple Grandin, Colorado State University (animal science)

I believe the best way to create good living conditions for any animal, whether it’s a captive animal living in a zoo, a farm animal or a pet, is to base animal welfare programmes on the core emotion systems in the brain. My theory is that the environment animals live in should activate their positive emotions as much as possible, and not activate their negative emotions any more than necessary. If we get the animal’s emotions rights, we will have fewer problem behaviours. All animals and people have the same core emotion systems in the brain.

A study of our organic pasture: yarrow
A study of our organic pasture: yarrow
A study of our organic pasture: chicory
A study of our organic pasture: chicory
A study of our organic pasture: lucerne
A study of our organic pasture: lucerne
A study of our organic pasture: plantain
A study of our organic pasture: plantain
Danijela Unkovich on dairy, chicken coops and keeping our kids in fine feather